"The Polling Data Has Been Wrong All Along": Watch Biden Deny Economic Reality In Train-Wreck CNN Interview

During a brutal CNN interview aired Wednesday, Joe Biden looked shocked when host Erin Burnett reeled off a list of stats detailing how bad the economy is. Instead of suggesting how he is going to improve the situation, Biden denied any of it was real and claimed every poll showing Americans favouring Trump on the economy is wrong.

“Voters, by a wide margin, trust Trump more on the economy,” Burnett noted, before listing possible reasons for that including the cost of buying a home having doubled, real income accounting for inflation being down, economic growth being way short of expectations and consumer confidence being near a two year low.

“Are you worried that you’re running out of time to turn [the economy] around?” Burnett asked Biden.

“We’ve already turned it around,” Biden bizarrely claimed, before adding that “the polling data has been wrong all along.”

President Joe Biden by The White House is licensed under flickr U.S. Government Works
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