The city where ISIS now occupies ALL churches as Christians face WIPE OUT

Crazed jihadis have looted, destroyed, or occupied all 45 churches in the city of Mosul, while targeting scores more across the country.

Large numbers of Iraq's other ethnic and religious minorities have also been murdered, maimed or abducted, while unknown numbers of women and girls have been forced into marriage or sexual enslavement since the fall of Mosul to ISIS in June 2014.

The shocking reality for Christians living in Iraq was revealed in a report, No Way Home: Iraq's Minorities on the Verge of Disappearance.

It said there was a "large exodus of Christians" from Iraq immediately after the US invasion as community members were targeted for their religious differences as well as their perceived ties to the West.

Two successive wars in Iraq - the first by the British and Americans in 2003, and the second with ISIS a decade later - has seen the Christian population in Iraq tumble from 1.4million before 2003 to under 250,000 today.
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