Peter Montgomery explains why conservative Christians are lining up behind Trump

In theory, the religious right should hate Donald Trump. He’s a libertine, he clearly worships Mammon and not Jesus, he has been married three times, he has a long history of bragging about his sex life, and this is how he greets his daughter.

But the ugly truth is that the supposed guardians of American morality, religious conservatives, are lining up behind Trump. I spoke with Peter Montgomery of People for the American Way about why.

Your piece is called “‘God’s Guy’: 25 Religious Right Justifications For Supporting Donald Trump.” What kinds of religious authorities did you look at for this piece?

Well, there’s a range of people. There are religious right political figures like Tony Perkins and David Barton and David Lane, who are people that we cover pretty extensively, and then there are some folks who don’t show up on [our] website as much [as those] who are sort of in the “prophet and apostle” category of that wing of Pentecostal Christianity [who tend] to see things in terms of spiritual warfare and demons and the Antichrist. So it’s a mix.

I think a lot of the mainstream media coverage of Donald Trump’s relationship with the religious right has suggested that it is an uneasy relationship because of his long history as a libertine and his obvious indifference to issues like being antigay and antichoice and things like that. Has that been your experience in your coverage?
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