Pelosi: Crime wave caused by ‘attitude of lawlessness’

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  • Source: OAN
  • 12/16/2021
Americans are reaping what the “defund the police” movement has sown.

In a press conference on Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) commented on the rise in crime throughout many of America’s major cities. The California Democrat said the problem is impossible to miss, but refused to admit the left’s police funding cuts and bail reform measures could potentially be the root cause.

“What it is? It’s absolutely outrageous,” Pelosi stated. “Obviously, it cannot continue. But the fact is that there is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from, I don’t know where, maybe you do, and we cannot have that lawlessness become the norm.”

Unlike some of her more progressive colleagues, Pelosi did admit that many allegedly smash-and-grab robberies don’t stem from desperation.
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