Just days after winning conservative support for an amended bill to gut the taxes and mandates associated with Obamacare, Republicans still are struggling to find the votes for passage, but the man leading the legislative effort is confident the votes will eventually be there.

GOP leaders have given their blessing to an amendment championed by Rep. Tom MacArthur, R-N.J., and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C. But while giving states more say in the health plans offered to their residents is winning the applause of conservatives, moderates seem to be leaving in numbers big enough to sink the bill.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas., is confident the votes will eventually come around.

“I think the hesitation has only been to be able to digest this, to be able to think about how it applies back home, before they commit their vote. The conversations that I’ve been in are very positive and we’re just going to keep working on it,” said Brady.

And despite the pressure from Democrats and the media on the timetable for getting this done, Brady says he’s less concerned about meeting a specific deadline.
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