Mexican Search Parties Find Many Bodies in Clandestine Graves near Arizona Border

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 06/12/2024

Some of the discoveries took place over the weekend south of the Mexican city of Nogales in a rural area known as La Comaya. Search parties found ten bodies, El Diario de Sonora reported. Of those bodies, authorities have been able to identify six and are working to identify the other four. La Comaya is just south of Nogales and approximately ten miles south of the border with Arizona.

The weekend discoveries come as the Buscadoras de La Frontera Nogales have been combing the region, searching for the resting place of their loved ones.

On May 19, the group found seven other bodies also in the Comaya region, El Universal reported.

Graves in a Desert by Rubén Bagüés is licensed under Unsplash
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