Free border forum in Tucson aims to dig beneath surface issues

A free forum later this month will focus on life along the U.S.– Mexico border.

The September 29 event, sponsored by Arizona Public Media and the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, is designed to be a live, interactive event and will feature four journalists who work along the border.

Organizers aim to take the discussion beyond the often-debated topics of drug violence and illegal immigration. For example, panelists will discuss such issues as U.S.-Mexico trade relations and initiatives, as well as the ways political and cultural perceptions vary north and south of the border.

The journalists also will discuss Donald Trump’s and Hillary’s Clinton’s positions on border and immigration issues — and how those positions could impact business, trade and life along the border.

Panelists include:

• Javier Garza: The longtime Mexican journalist has worked extensively to protect reporters working in Mexico, who are often targeted by drug cartels. Garza is a Knight International Journalism Fellow in Mexico.
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