Don't trample on the Second Amendment

Too often overlooked in the push to rewrite our gun laws is the irony of expecting evil to be chastened by an erosion of law-abiding citizens’ rights.

Florida increased the minimum age for buying a gun after the horrific shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The accused shooter, Nikolas Cruz, had a history of hurting small animals, threatening people, swearing at teachers and posting school shooting plans on social media.

Does anyone really think that immaturity is to blame for his actions? That making him wait another two years to buy a weapon would have resulted in an entirely different outcome? That, given just a little more time, he would have realized it’s wrong to kill people?

Cruz’s behavior over the years raised more red flags than the Chinese Embassy. Nothing was done. That’s not the fault of the Second Amendment, or those who believe in it.

The solution to the problem of mass murders isn’t to trample on the Second Amendment by restricting law-abiding citizens’ access to guns. That would be like repealing the First Amendment because a few unscrupulous journalists make up stories.
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