DeSantis Sending Surge Of Troops To Texas Border To Stop ‘Invasion’

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Thursday that he is sending members of the Florida National Guard (FLNG) and Florida State Guard (FSG) to Texas to help Governor Greg Abbott (R) stop the “invasion” of illegal aliens flooding into his state that has unfolded during the Biden administration.

The announcement comes after federal agents recorded 302,034 illegal alien encounters last month, the highest level ever, surpassing the previous record of 269,735 that came under President Joe Biden’s watch in September 2023. At least 19 illegal aliens who were arrested were on the terrorist watchlist.

“States have every right to defend their sovereignty and we are pleased to increase our support to Texas as the Lone Star State works to stop the invasion across the border,” DeSantis said. “Our reinforcements will help Texas to add additional barriers, including razor wire along the border. We don’t have a country if we don’t have a border.”

DeSantis is sending “up to a battalion of National Guard members (approximately 1,000 soldiers) to Texas, who will be deployed based on Texas’ needs,” the governor’s office said in a statement.

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