Biden intel community celebrates pride with free trans flag manicures, pride crochet: report

The Biden administration's Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), which oversees the national intelligence community, including the activities of the FBI and CIA, celebrated Pride Month with trans flag fingernail designs.   

According to a memo obtained by the Daily Wire, the DNI office was slated to have personnel get free fingernail paint designs such as the trans flag and do crafts such as crocheting pride flags.  

“For nail painting, we’ll have our pro team of FVEY artistes ready to decorate you ready for Pride Month, with the option of celebrating pride or trans flag colors,” a document read, also encouraging employees to get their nails done. “If you don’t normally paint your nails, or have never done so, all the better! We’ll do everything for you, and you might just love it. What better way to show your allyship to the community?”  

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