Biden administration is unwilling to secure southern border but is now considering fencing illegal aliens inside Texas. Abbott promises to retaliate by sending more buses to DC.

  • by:
  • Source: TheBlaze
  • 09/08/2023

The Biden administration has proven itself unwilling to secure the southern border. It is, however, apparently more than willing to secure Texas' northern border if that means fencing in the fallout of failed Democratic policies and sparing blue states from facing repercussions over their long-standing support of illegal immigration.

Three U.S. officials not authorized to discuss the matter recently told the Los Angeles Times that the Biden administration is considering the possibility of using geofencing to force illegal aliens to remain in Texas while awaiting asylum screening.

According to this plan, a possible expansion of the Family Expedited Removal Management program, migrant families would be fitted with ankle bracelets or other such GPS monitoring devices and tracked during their wait.

This in theory would preclude Republican Gov. Greg Abbott from busing migrants to the various Democratic sanctuary states and sanctuary cities whose incentives and invitations have exacerbated the underlying problem.

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