Arizona Gov. Bans Abortions Post 15 Weeks And “Transing” The Kids

Arizonan abortionists are in for a bad day! Arizona’s Governor Doug Ducey signed numerous pieces of legislation Wednesday, including perhaps most notably a ban on abortions after 15 weeks of gestation. The Arizona governor additionally signed a new law prohibiting so-called “gender reassignment surgery” from being performed on children who are under 18 years of age.

Ducey’s anti-late-term abortion legislation, S.B. 1164, bans the ending of a human life past 15 weeks gestation, barring the exception of a medical emergency.

“In Arizona, we know there is immeasurable value in every life – including preborn life,” said Governor Ducey in a letter about the bill. “I believe it is each state’s responsibility to protect them.”

Ducey’s press release noted that the bill seeks to only persecute the performer of the abortion; a potential mother who receives one would face no consequences under S.B. 1164.
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