All Options on Table to Contain North Korea Threat

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Friday that North Korea’s growing nuclear capabilities are a direct threat to the United States, and Washington “will use all necessary measures” to defend itself against such aggression.

“In the face of such a threat, inaction is unacceptable for any nation,” Tillerson said.

“We have been clear that all options remain on the table in the defense of our nation,” the secretary told a packed chamber of the U.N. Security Council in New York. “But we do not seek, nor do we want, war with North Korea.”

Tillerson spoke at a meeting on North Korea’s proliferation convened by Japan, which holds the rotating Security Council presidency this month.

“The United States will use all necessary measures to defend itself against North Korean aggression, but our hope remains that diplomacy will produce a resolution,” Tillerson added.
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